Except goal-keepers no other players wear face or eye protection.
No, lacrosse is not the same thing as field hockey. In field hockey you use a stick with a curved base on the ground and hit it to your team mate, or you can dribble it up the field. The goal in field hockey is much bigger than a lacrosse goal. In lacrosse you throw and catch a ball using a stick with a net and you can run with the ball in you stick. Lacrosse is a much faster paced game too. In lacrosse you wear eye protection and a mouth guard, in field hockey you wear shin guards and a mouth guard. Both sports are really fun.
equipment wise there are: helmets (football, baseball/softball ,hockey, lacrosse) men usually wear cups soccer and field hockey there are shin guards baseball players wear guards when hitting to protect the side facing th pitcher football, hockey, and lacrosse players wear all types of padding volleyball players sometimes wear pads on their knees field hockey and female lacrosse players wear eye masks strething can be considered an aid for preventing injuries
Field Hockey is a very aerobic sport, so it promotes healthy weight, heart health, good metabolism, etc.It also contributes to good eye/hand coordination and peripheral vision.
Defiantly hand-eye coordination, passion for the sport, and a great attitude! :D
In youth programs, you are required to wear googles. In high school too, you are required to wear goggles. In college and professional, you are not required to wear googles. Personally, I don't like wearing googles because I can't see as much.
Striped shirt, black pants, athletic shoes, eye protection if necessary, and most importantly if you are a male a protective cup with supporter.
No, cat eye runs the risk of butt-ends of sticks and even pucks passing through the cage. The other rule that relates is a butt end on a stick must be taped wide enough to not be able to pass through another players cage. With cat eye cages you would defeat the purpose of this rule.
Field Hockey is a very aerobic sport, so it promotes healthy weight, heart health, good metabolism, etc.It also contributes to good eye/hand coordination and peripheral vision.
Reserve umpires keep the score and backup time, keep an eye on the dugouts and teams, record any information about substitutions and scoring, record times and durations of cards, and watch any suspended players. Then if one of the onfield umpires is injured or removed from the game, they can take over for them.
There are many jobs where one needs eye protection. People who work with chemicals, welding, or bright lights should always were eye protection. One who works in a dusty environment or with machinery should also use eye protection.
The Eye of Horus is a symbol from ancient Egypt. It represents health and protection.
Frontal Eye Field