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a rod because he is good and noboy saw him running because he ran too fast

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Q: What player ever scored from second on a fly ball that was caught?
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One out and runner on second base and ball is hit to deep fly ball to right field and caught How many bases can a player on second base advance after the ball is caught?

As long as he has tagged up he can advance the whole way to home.

What does a player have to do for a caught ball to be called an out?

They just have to catch the ball.

How do you do a full rounder?

If a player hits the ball within the fielding area and successfully negotiates all four bases, a 'full' rounder is scored. If a player hits the ball backwards, then the player has to remain at first base until the ball is returned in to play. If the player reaches 4th base when the ball is returned from the 'backward' area, then a full rounder is scored in these circumstances. If the player reaches second base in these circumstances, a half rounder is scored. Penalty half rounders are given when either a fielder causes an obstruction, or there are 2 consecutive no-balls to the same batter.

How many runs are scored from a free hit if the players complete 2 runs but the ball is then caught?

only 2 runs because in free hit a batsman facing the ball can't be caught out but he can run out in free hit ball. So if players have completed 2 runs before the ball was caught then only 2 runs they will get.

A sentence for the word threw?

The basketball player threw the ball into the hoop and scored!

Who are the Players who have scored from second on a passed ball or wild pitch?

Jacolby Elsbury of the Red Sox

What must a player do after a ball has been scored against his team in basketball?

get back on offense

What is official scoring when runner is thrown out trying to advance on passed ball or wild pitch?

It's ruled "caught stealing," and scored 2-6 if the catcher throws to the shortstop, 2-4 if the catcher throws to the second baseman, etc.

If a batter hit a fly ball that was caught out but scored a RBI does it count as an at bat?

Sacrifice bunts and sacrifice flies are not officially counted as "at bats".

What do we call a scored goal when a player kicks the ball directly to his own goal?

An own goal

Fouls and outs?

In baseball, fouls are when the ball is hit "out of bounds" or not within the first and third base line. An out could be when a player is struck out, or if the player hits the ball and the ball is caught.

If a foul hit is caught then the batter is out?

Yes. If a foul ball is caught by a defensive player before it hits the ground the batter is out.