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When any part of the ball or any part of the ball carrier touches the out of bounds line, the ball is out of play.

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Yes in order for it to be ruled a touchdown the ball must cross the plain of the goal in order for it to be ruled a touchdown

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no all it has to do is break the plain

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Q: What part of the ball has to cross the line for it to be out of play?
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Are the lines part of the soccer field?

The lines are part of the soccer field when the ball is in play. We know that the Laws of the Game require that a ball cross wholly over the touch line to be in touch (out of play), or wholly over the goal line within the goal to be a goal (fouls or other infractions of the Laws of the Game aside).

Do touch lines and goal lines are part of the field of play in soccer?

Also known as the end line, the goal line is the line that runs the width of the field. It runs across the front of the goal and when the ball passes the end line within the goal posts, a goal is scored. If the ball passes the end line outside of the goal posts, the ball is out of bounds. Depending on who touched it last, a corner kick or goal kick will restart play.

If a football is on the out of bounds line is it in or out of bounds?

In association football, the ball must completely pass over the line: on is in.In American football and rugby football, any contact with the line makes the ball or player out of play: on is out.

Does a goal kick have to cross the halfway line?

A goal kick does not have to cross the halfway line. However, it must completely exit the Penalty Area while in the field of play in order for the ball to be back in play.

What has to happen for a play to be a touchdown?

The team that has the ball has to cross the touchdown plain (white line) and still have possession.

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What is a center line in volleyball?

CROSSING CENTER LINE: During play, any part of a player's body may touch the center line, and, in addition, only his/her foot or feet may contact the playing area on the opposite side of the center line providing that some part of each encroaching foot remains on or above the center line at the time of such contact. Any part of a player's body may be in the air below the net and beyond the center line if he does not interfere with the opponent's play by touching the ball or an opponent. A player may reach under the net to retrieve a ball that is in play by their team. The spiker's motion may legally carry his/her hand over the net on the follow-through provided that contact is made with the ball when at least a portion of the ball is directly above the net or it is clearly on his side of the net.

How do you determine goals for in soccer?

A goal in soccer is scored when a player kicks the ball into the net. Here the entire ball must cross the goal line, , even if the goalkeeper both legs cross the line , the goal will not be given until the ball also crosses the line.

What is the line of scrimmage in football?

When the ball carrier is tackled and does not pass ball to teammate or the ball is out of bounds, the play is called a scrum, and the yard line where the last play was downed is called the line of scrimmage. -----In American football, draw a line from sideline to sideline where the ball is put into play on each down and that is the line of scrimmage.

What happens when you pass the ball to the keeper for fair play and hits him and goes out?

There are five ways this could go. It all depends on where the ball exited the field. If the ball exits across his goal line, below the cross bar, and between the goal posts, then it is a goal for your team and his team restarts with a kick-off. If the ball exits across his goal line, and not in the goal, then it's a corner kick for your team. If the ball exits across the touch line, then it's a throw in for your team. If the ball exits across your goal line, below the cross bar, and between the goal posts, then it is a goal for his team and your team restarts with a kick-off. If the ball exits across your goal line, and not in the goal, then it's a goal kick for your team.

What is the invisible line called that the ball is placed on after every play?

line of scrimmage

If a NFL player goes out of bounds are they out of the play?

According to referee Ed Hochuli who is quoted in the article that you can read at the 'Touchdown or No Touchdown' link below, a player who crosses out of bounds is awarded a touchdown if a part of his body touches in the end zone, or the pylon, after the ball crosses the 'imaginary' goal line outside the pylons. I interpret the question to ask if a player lands completely out of bounds but the ball crosses the 'imaginary' goal line outside the pylon, is it a touchdown? The way I understand what I read, the answer is no since no part of the player touched inbounds. Click on the 'Touchdown or No Touchdown' link to read the article and weigh in with your opinions. If I'm understanding your question right, you're asking about the hypothetical goal line that "travels around the world" indefinitely out of bounds. The NFL just changed this rule for the 2008 season, so that the extended goal line no longer exists. The player must now break the plane of the goal line within the field of play, or press the ball against the corner pylon, for the touchdown to count.