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Netball is an energetic game requiring high speed changes in direction and good ball handling skills. It is played mainly by women, among whom it is the most popular sport in Australia, but it is also played recreationally by men. Competitive players require high levels of agility, endurance, and speed, and moderate levels of strength and flexibility. Training often includes running and agility practice (e.g. doing shuttle sprints, dodging around a series of cones). The quick changes of direction, and landing from jumps, impose considerable strain on the feet and legs. Players should wear shoes specially designed to meet these demands. In particular, the shoe should provide good cushioning of the ball of the foot.

all your muscle will be used since these games requires much movement and of course including your brain muscle.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago


  • hamstrings
  • quadriceps


  • biceps
  • triceps

Like most other ballistic movements in sports, when shooting in Netball, if you do it properly using a fully balanced body effort, you will be using virtually every muscle in your body during some stage, including during the aftermath - as you return to your anatomical or original, relaxed position. If you start from a position and then return to it after, you will have used the opposite groups of muscles in the return stage that you used to initiate the action - this is more particularly so when undertaking ballistic movements - as in sports. This is the beauty of sports re their skeletal muscular and bodily benefits. [Of course, they are also a wonderful benefit to the automatic processes of the body as well ... but that's a different Q]

However, if you wish an extremely basic analysis of the actual delivery of the ball itself, speaking from the point of the main throwing movement only, you have arm extension, particularly at the elbow joint, but you have anterior flexion at the shoulder in raising the ball for delivery. As your hand is bent back in holding the ball, as you finally send it from your hand, you use wrist flexion ... and of course, your hand and fingers flex somewhat as they finally close and let go completely of the ball, and send it on its trajectory.

To analyze this whole procedure with any accuracy at all is an extremely complex undertaking that could not be produced over this medium.

Even your legs are used for stability while you undertake this ballistic movement, and if your deliver properly, they will actually have an active part in the process as well - right down to the ends of your toes.

Among the many other muscles of those moveemnts I mentioned earlier, perhaps the main muscles of the arm, at least, would be:

Shoulder flexion: Anterior deltoids

Arm extension: Triceps

Wrist flexion:

  1. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
  2. Flexor Digitorum Profundus
    • 4 Heads
  3. Flexor Carpi Radialis
  4. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
  5. Palmaris Longus
  6. Flexor Pollicis Longus

But look up those other 'assistants' for the specific arm and shoulder movements

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βˆ™ 15y ago


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In most games you can only shoot from inside the shooting circle,however some people play that you can shoot from outside the shooting circle and if you do you get 2 points. In the netball world cup 2011 the played this rule.

What do netball shoot in?

Well, there's a net without as backbord

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A defence technique where usually GD and GK will team up on either the GA or GS. used mainly when one of the shooters does not usually shoot.

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To shoot more goals than the other team within the time limit.

Name 1 player in a netball game is allowed to shoot a goal?

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what is a better sport( swimming or netball)?

Swimming, it helps a lot more for the muscles compared to netball. You are also less likely to get injured when swimming compared to netball

Should communication be used on a netball court?

yes it should be used in all netball games