Basketballs are not at the top of the list of bouncebility (see tennis balls). Sorry
However balls bounce because they are deformed when they hit something and the rubber forces them back into a round shape which propels then off the surface they hit.
The more power in the rubbers desire to maintain its shape vs the weight of the ball determines its bounce.
A basketball will typically bounce higher than a soccer ball or kickball. The higher bounce is due to the basketball being inflated to a higher pressure compared to the other two balls, resulting in greater elasticity and rebound potential.
Small rubber bouncy balls bounce higher than other balls because they are made from materials with higher elasticity, allowing them to store and release more energy during impact. Their size and lightweight also contribute to their increased bounce height as they experience less air resistance.
I think both bounce the same one is just bigger then the other, actually the boys basketball bounce higher I did a basketball experiment on it the boys bounce a foot higher, It is because itr weighs more.
Well a golf ball won't bounce better than other golf balls it matter what is inside it. Like the proV1 has a very hard core and the NXT tour is very light in the inside and will probably bounce better if you swing fast I would recommend the proV1 but if not Get the nxt tour happy to help
they will bounce back
When a rubber ball is bounced, its molecular structure causes it to compress, but it cannot equalize the pressure by expanding on the other side, so the pent-up energy is rapidly used by decompressing the ball which causes the bounce.
the number of molecules changes
golf balls ... hand balls ... marbles ...
Basketball can be played in most climates, other than snow (which will not allow the ball to bounce back up).
Acording to the calculations of my recordings a basketball bounes better in conrete that any other type of surfaces.
How is this chemistry.... but do it however you would like to.
A bounce pass in basketball is a way of getting the ball to another player without passing it directly to them through the air. Rather, the ball is bounced off the floor to the other player.