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A bounce pass in Basketball is a way of getting the ball to another player without passing it directly to them through the air. Rather, the ball is bounced off the floor to the other player.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

a pass that bounces on the ground first

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What is bounce pass in basketball?

Lol, If you don't know what a bounce pass is, then do not try out for basketball! It's when you pass the ball, but instead of throwing it, You bounce it on the floor to pass it to your team-ate. It's in the name..Too

What passes are legal in a basketball game?

THE answer is you can do a bounce pass,chest pass,

What are the common passes used in basketball?

Bounce pass

Which pass is the least common utilized in basketball?

between the legs bounce pass

What are all the different Basketball passes?

Chest pass, overhead pass, bounce pass, baseball pass

A pass that hits the floor before going to a teammate?

In basketball, such a pass is known as a "bounce pass".

Is a bounce pass rarely effective near the goal in basketball?

no a bounce pass is very effective because it goes underneath a defenders hands.

What is the slowest pass in basketball?

If you use a bounce pass that is probably the slowest pass in bball, but if you are a slow chest passer then that would probably be slower. It really is just an opinion because each person throws the basketball differently. In my opinion I throw a bounce pass slower than a chest pass.

What is the slowest pass you can use in basketball?

The slowest pass in bball is probably the bounce pass, but if you throw a chest pass slow then that will probably be slower.

Is a bounce pass a pass used in basketball?

Bounce passes are really only used when you are passing to the shooters from outside of the goal circle otherwise normally a chest pass or a shoulder pass is used during a game.

How do you bounce ball in basketball?

you bounce a ball in basketball by hitting the ball against the ground.

What does the air in a basketball do?

The air in a basketball lets the basketball bounce.