Someone playing Basketball would just need a regular jockstrap, with a pouch for support. There are youth sizes available for preteens.
The kind of shoes you should wear for basketball are basketball shoes.
Since there's a chance of getting hit in the groin, it would be best to get a jockstrap that has a hard cup as well.
There is no specific degree required for coaching basketball. The more important thing is that the candidate should have solid experience and knowledge of basketball.
Probably most male tennis players wear either a jockstrap or some kind of supportive sports undergarment, e.g. compression shorts, jock boxers, athletic briefs, etc.
He was famous for his basketball skills. He got the name from his habit of shooting the basketball from his side kind of like you would should a revolver.
A Regular 1.................
an orange one
I'm a 11 year old boy and I like 2 or 3 short paragraph poems that are humorous
The word basketball is a singular, common noun.
I would say the best basketball you should get is a not a very hard one kind of like a easy one that would flatten because if your doing a science project on the brain or stomach or an intestine that would be perfect.
Lmfao, We listen to music of all kinds :3 It depends on the person NOT on the age. xx Midnight Ophelia xx
The prices can range from 5-125 dollars depending on what kind of basketball it is.