Slap tears- weak shoulders. Scratches- sliding. Something in the elbow-Throwing to hard or too much and weak elbows.
Some of the most common baseball and softball injuries include rotator cuff injuries, elbow injuries such as Tommy John surgery, and injuries to the hamstrings and knees due to running and sliding. Additionally, ankle sprains and muscle strains are also common in both sports.
I Love Softball happened in 1989.
Massages are not advised for softball injuries. it may cause more damage than cure. Have your injury checked and follow the advise of the therapist. They are the only ones who know how to give proper massages
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball happened in 1989.
you would be working with other softball players
mainly injuries to the knees such as torn ligaments. there are concussions a=that happen when you don't wear a helmet and also broken bones in any part of your body
what kind of bats do the usa softball team use
It depends on the precautions and the situation. UCL tears are common or tennis elbows and tendonitous. Like I said though, it just depends on the situations but those injuries are common in softball
External Injuries- Injuries that happen on the outside of your body/on your skin, eg Cuts, Bruises.
10 oz.
injuries can happen anywhere, it all depends on what you are doing when you injure yourself.