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Q: What it the minimum overhead clearance required above a basketball court?
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What are the minimum clearance distances outside of a marked basketball court?

Architectural Graphic Standards 10th Edition: 10'-0" Minimum unobstructed clearance around court

How high is the required clear space on a basketball court?

The minimum required clear space on a basketball court depends on which kind of court it is. An NCAA court has a minimum of 25', while a recreational facility's minimum is 20'.

What is the minimum education required for a pro basketball player?

1 second

What is the minimum required clearance a motorist must maintain form a cyclist?

You must give the cyclist 3 ft of clearance between your car and the bicycle.

Why are the pylons on which electricity cables are hung very tall?

To ensure that the minimum height of their conductors maintain the legally-required clearance above ground. The greater the operating voltage, the greater this clearance must be.

Why are pylons on which electricity cables are hung very tall?

To ensure that the minimum height of their conductors maintain the legally-required clearance above ground. The greater the operating voltage, the greater this clearance must be.

Overhead clearance for electric power lines above a double deck bus?

Typically, electric power lines should have a minimum clearance of 18 feet above a roadway to ensure safety for vehicles, including double deck buses. However, this clearance can vary depending on local regulations and specific conditions. It's recommended to consult with the local utility company or relevant authorities to determine the specific clearance requirements in your area.

What minimum visibility and clearance from clouds are required for VFR operations in Class G airspace at 700 feet AGL or below during daylight hours?

1 mile visibility and clear of clouds.

What is the Minimum clearance phase to ground for 46kv?

2ft 6 inches

What is minimum clearance for nipr account?

Secret or atleast a NACLC investigation

What is the minimum ground clearance for a street legal car?

six inches

What is meant by minimum electrical clearance?

Minimum electrical clearance refers to the shortest distance permitted between two conductive parts, such as wires or electrical components, to avoid electrical breakdown or arcing. It is important to maintain this clearance to prevent short circuits, electrical faults, and potential safety hazards in electrical systems.