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Q: What is the minimum education required for a pro basketball player?
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Education trainng for a basketball player?

There is no education required for basketball players. Other than basketball knowledge, there is no education required. Thus, many players do not have college degrees (in the NBA or WNBA).

Training required to become a basketball player?

Where would you get any training or an education for basketball?

Basketball player required education and training?

There is no education required to become a basketball player, other than basketball knowledge. Much training, however, is necessary. One cannot be a good player unless a large amount of training is put in.

How much education do you need to become a perfectional basketball player?

You do not need any education. Other than basketball knowledge, there is no education required. Thus, some NBA players do not have a college degree.

What education do basketball players need?

there are none, but the age was changed 2 years ago from 18 (or just out of high school) to 19 (after freshman year of college) but you can go to Europe to play professionally there for a year and return to the us at 19 and enter the draft.

What is the Minimum wage for basketball players?

The minimum wage for a NBA player is 780,000$

What education needed for basketball player?

you can go to collge

What pro basketball player need for education?

to be a basketball player you have to know how to read and to do math cause when the team owners are buying you ,you have to be able to read the paper

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What are the years of education needed beyond high school to become a pro basketball player?

There is no education beyond high school required. However, current NBA rules mandate that you cannot enter the draft until you are one year removed from graduating high school. Kids as young as 16 may play professional basketball oversears.

What is your general level or type required for a NBA basketball player?

High school diploma

What tactics are required in basketball?

style amazement a team player and good attenance for practice