There is absolutely no weight limit to be a cheerleader! You just have to have a good spirited attitude and be able to pump up your team and be super loud! On the other hand, there is a weight limit in some college squads, but other than that it just depends what team you try out for.
It depends on how active the cheering is.
No! Don't let anyone tell you there's a weight limit for a sport or anything. It doesn't matter how much you weight, as long as you're good at cheering you'll make the squad. I'm the same height and have weighed between 97-120 pounds in the last 4 years, and have been told by my doctor I've always been at a healthy weight.
There is no weight limit for using NuvaRing.
It depends on the type of boat. For example, the weight limit for a 470 is 275 lb. The smaller the boat, the smaller the weight limit. The larger the boat, the larger the weight limit.
There is not a state weight limit on this particular piece of gym equipment.
There is a maximum weight limit for parachuting. The maximum weight limit for tandem students is 220 lbs., and the maximum weight limit for AFF students is 240 lbs.
The bathroom scale varies a lot in terms of weight limit. However, the usual weight limit has a maximum of 300 to 400 pounds. While some scales have a lower or higher limit, know the weight limit before buying.
There are many different hand trucks available for purchase. The weight limit depends on the size you choose. Some offer a heavy weight limit and others offer a light weight limit.
A judge recently ruled that cheerleading was not a sport. As a fellow cheerleader, I beg to differ. Cheerleading combines gymnastics, dancing, and even weight lifting.
The weight limit on a Ripstik Air is typically around 220 pounds. Exceeding this weight limit may affect the performance and durability of the board.
Yes the normal weight limit for most treadmills is 350lb.
The WiiFit board has a weight limit of 300 pounds.