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American football is an overly simplified version of Rugby league.

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Q: What is the sport to which American football can be traced?
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What sport is gridiron in American?

American football. Not soccer(football)

In which sport do you have cheerleaders?

There are cheerleaders in the sport of American Football.

History of football in Europe?

There is no football in Europe. Football is an American sport.

Most watched American sport?

American Football

What sport is there a quarterback?

American football.

Is football Americas sport?

i personally think baseball is the American sport but some say football is.

What is Louisiana main sport?

Louisiana main sport is American football.

The roots of American Football come from soccer and what other sport?

Soccer --> Rugby --> American Football

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Football (American)

What sport originated from the US?

American football

Which sport is the Super Bowl associated with?

NFL Football