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Q: What is the rock called in curling does not go over the hog line?
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What sport do you throw a rock at a house?

It is called curling , the curling ROCK and you throw it at HOUSES the end of the curling rink

Is curling dangerous?

curling is dangerous because the rock can slide o you foot and you can trip on the rock as your curling

What is the equipment called for curling?

"Curling shoes," one with a slippery Teflon slider built into the sole and the other with just grippy rubber on the bottom, are used to allow players to slide smoothly down the ice during their delivery (sliding) of the curling rock. "Curling brooms" or "curling brushes" are used to "sweep" the ice in front of the rock, decreasing the friction between the rock and the ice and making the rock go both farther, and curl (curve) less if so desired. Brooms are also used by most players during their delivery for balance. Many teams will use stop watches to time a rock between certain points on the ice, to get an idea of how fast the rock is moving.

What kind of rock do they use in curling?


What do the numbers on the curling rock mean?

what does it mean

Where is light on curling stone handle?

The lights are on the lower round plastic part of the handle, just in front of and to either side of where the actual part you grab meets it. The lights are used to indicate hog line violations. The "hog line" is the thick line running across the sheet 15 feet out from the house. The rock must be released from the shooter's hand before the rock reaches the hog line. If the rock is not released in time, it's called a "hog line violation" or "hogged rock," and the rock must be removed from play immediately, with no do-over of the shot. It used to be that an official would sit at the hog line and watch for violations, but that was subject to human error. Now, at major national and international competitions, electronic touch-sensitive handles are used instead. Green lights illuminate if the rock is released before the hog line. Red lights flash if the rock is not released in time.

What are the risks of curling?

geting hit by a curling rock fallinf and cracking your head open. trip other people.

What rock group sings lay it on the line?

The rock group that sings lay it on the line is called Triumph.

Is curling really a sport?

No its just throwing a rock and sweeping

What transformation does granite rock make?

it makes rocks for curling

What do you use in curling to help direct the rock?

You use brooms which you brush in front of the rock to direct it.

Who put lights on curling stones?

It is a display of the state of sensors in the ice and stone. If the stone has not been released by the time it reaches the hog line, the light will turn red and the stone must be removed from play.