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Q: What kind of rock do they use in curling?
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What do you use in curling to help direct the rock?

You use brooms which you brush in front of the rock to direct it.

Is curling dangerous?

curling is dangerous because the rock can slide o you foot and you can trip on the rock as your curling

In what sport do they use brooms rocks and sliders?

Curling is a Winter sport played on ice. The rock or Stone is hurled or bowled as players use a broom to sweep the ice in front of the stone as it slide across the ice.

What is the equipment called for curling?

"Curling shoes," one with a slippery Teflon slider built into the sole and the other with just grippy rubber on the bottom, are used to allow players to slide smoothly down the ice during their delivery (sliding) of the curling rock. "Curling brooms" or "curling brushes" are used to "sweep" the ice in front of the rock, decreasing the friction between the rock and the ice and making the rock go both farther, and curl (curve) less if so desired. Brooms are also used by most players during their delivery for balance. Many teams will use stop watches to time a rock between certain points on the ice, to get an idea of how fast the rock is moving.

What kind of skills are necessary for curling?

You need to be able to balance and to throw the rock into a certain place. This sounds alot easier than it is.

What sport do you throw a rock at a house?

It is called curling , the curling ROCK and you throw it at HOUSES the end of the curling rink

What do the numbers on the curling rock mean?

what does it mean

What are the risks of curling?

geting hit by a curling rock fallinf and cracking your head open. trip other people.

What kind of association is the Canadian Curling Association?

The Canadian Curling Association encourages the growth and development of the sport of curling. It was created in 1990 to spread knowledge and interest in curling throughout Canada.

What kind of of math is used in curling?


What kind of game is curling?

Yasser rockes

Is curling really a sport?

No its just throwing a rock and sweeping