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The line of scrimmage is where the football is placed at the beginning of each play. This line can move forward or backward depending on the gain or loss of each play.

Scrimmage, derived from an obsolete variant of skirmish. It basically means a rough-and-tumble struggle; a skirmish. In American football it refers to the contest of each play, beginning with the snap and ending with the dead ball whistle; or a team's practice session.

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In football the position behind the line of scrimmage changes depending on if the offense, defense, or special teams is on the field. In the offense it is the quarterback and possibly the running backs. The defense has the safeties, linebackers, and defensive backs playing off the line. In special teams it would be the kicker or punter.

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Is a pass illegal if it is thrown from behind the line of scrimage in football?

No! A pass is only legal if it is thrown from behind the line of scrimmage. A pass is illegal if it is thrown from in front of the line of scrimmage.

What is the penelty for holding behind the line of scrimmage?

10 yards from the spot of the foul. So if the hold occurred 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage, then the penalty would be a 15 yard penalty from the previous line of scrimmage. The down would be replayed.

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When they are five yards behind the line of scrimmage they call that the SHOTGUN formation.

What is a sack in NFL?

When the defense tackles the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage for a loss.

Can you run a center sneak in flag football?

USFFA Rules do not allow it in the true sense of a sneak where the center touches the ball to the hands of the QB, retains it and runs with it. A player who is behind the scrimmage line may hand the ball forward to a backfield teammate who is also behind that lihe; or to a teamrnate who is also on the scrimmage line when theball was snapped, provided that teammate left the line position, faced his own end line and was at least one yarb behind the scrimmage line when player received the ball... Pe"a/ty; .5 yatds from spot of foul;also, loss of down if by TeamA before team possession changes during a scrimmage down.

How many players are required to line up on the line of scrimmage in football?

On the offensive side, nobody has to be in a down position on the line of scrimmage, but there must be six men on the line. The defense does not have any regulations as to where they must line up on the line of scrimmage.

If a football is thrown beyond the line of scrimmage what is i t?

...still a football. If it's not caught, its an incomplete pass. If its thrown and hits the ground behind the line of scrimmage, its a grounded ball, which is a penalty.

What is sacking the quarterback?

A sack is when the quarterback is tackled behind the line of scrimmage before he can throw a forward pass/lateral. Tackling the quarterback behind the lime of scrimmage on a running play is not considered a sack.

Is the distance of field goal measured from the kicking spot or the line of scrimmage?

A field goal is measured from where the ball is kicked from, not from the line of scrimmage. If Team A is kicking a field goal from the 20 yard line, the distance of the field goal would me measured as follows: Length to Goal Line: 20 Yards Length of Endzone: 10 Yards Place of Kick: 7 yards behind the line of scrimmage (typically kicks made from 6 to 7 yards behind the los) Total Distance of Field Goal: 37 yards.

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Could Clipping happen behind line of scrimmage?

Absolutely! I should know...I was penalized once for this!