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Which region always receives the suns most direct rays?

The equator receives direct rays from sun. It is present in front of sun.

What hemisphere receives fewer direct rays from the sun in January than in?

The northern hemisphere receives fewer direct rays from the sun in January.

The part of a sentence that receives the action express by the verb is called?

The part of a sentence that receives the action expressed by the verb is called the object. It can be a direct object, which directly receives the action, or an indirect object, which receives the action indirectly.

Does the direct object tell more about another noun?

The direct object receives the action of the verb.

Why is it cold in the Antarctic?

It receives very little direct sunlight.

The zone that receives direct sunlight year round?

The tropical zone, located near the equator, receives direct sunlight year-round due to its proximity to the sun's rays. This results in consistent warm temperatures and minimal variation in daylight hours throughout the year.

What location on earth Receives The more direct sun lights?


What is the difference between direct object and object?

The direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb directly. An object, on the other hand, is a more general term that refers to any noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb, including direct and indirect objects.

What is a direct object A.It is an object that receives the action of the verb. B.It is a clause that can stand alone as a sentence. C.It is a noun or pronoun that precedes a direct object and iden?

It is an object that receives the action of the verb.

Which of the earth's poles receives the most direct rays from sun?

The distribution of incoming solar radiation during the course of a year is exactly equal at both poles, and neither of them ever receives any 'direct' rays.

What area of the earth receives the least direct sunlight?

The area near the poles receives the least direct sunlight due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. This results in long periods of darkness during winter months.

What part of earth receives the most direct solar energy?

The equator receives the most direct solar energy on Earth because of its position in relation to the Sun. This area receives consistent overhead sunlight throughout the year, resulting in high temperatures and abundant solar radiation.