Lovebirds are among the shyest of the parrots, so it is possible that some could be traumatised from a wing clipping at the vet.
You don't have to be behind the line off scrimmage to kneel the ball. Anytime you kneel a football you are giving up your right to advance it (Though you may not be downed yet). Therefore you can kneel it as far back as you want. If you were on your opponents 5 yard line you could snap the football as the QB and run back 90 yards (perhaps to burn more time) and kneel it then.
They are called "backs." Depending upon where they line up, they could be tailbacks, fullbacks or halfbacks (collectively referred to as "running backs"), flankers or H-backs (usually slotted as receivers), or the quarterback.
The offense has to have at least seven men on the line of scrimmage. There are no such requirements for the defense. So although you'd never see it happen, there could theoretically be as few as seven people on the field.
That is just how the rule is. Twenty yards are added to each field goal attempt from where the team stopped. It would be a little hard to kick it through the post at the one yard line, so that could be a reason.
If I understand your question, you took a clipping of a rose bush and wondering how to grow it. Well with the clipping let it root at the cut end by placing it in water till it does so. When root emerge plant clipping in location and be perpared to baby it. Most roses are grown from the root which is much more complicated. Good Luck
They will be drawn into a larger cloud by gravitational attraction and eventually, this can form a stellar system.
When the characters uncover the hidden truth behind the mysterious keyword, they will likely experience a significant revelation or realization that could change the course of the story or their understanding of the situation.
If you add audio clips they may or may not work. Volume might be too high or low or could be distracting to your audience
A: SIGNAL could overshoot a value which can damage the input or output therefore a diode is used to clip these signals to a safe level
could what happen again? In order for me to answer you have to be more descriptive!