its used for the runner to step on at first so that they dont get in the first basemans way
An extended first based in softball is known as a double bag as well. It is an orange bag that is in foul territory. A runner that is running straight through first base is entitled to the orange base, leaving the first baseman the white base to make the play. This is just to prevent unnecessary collisions at first base, as a safety precaution. It is an optional addition to fields.
To prevent accidents from happening if the first base man and runner collide. The runner is able to veer off by going to the orange bag and the first base man is able to catch the ball from the white part of the bag.
Saying the 'bag' in softball is referencing the base. It could be any of the bases (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or Home). "He never touched the bag" would mean the player never touched the base.
One bag of mushrooms= orange.
To play softball
Hmmm....maybe in softball.
Yes, Batbusters is a softball team. They are very skilled, and I know because I have played them before. They are from Orange County, California.
Before anyone really can answer this what type of tote bag like for soccer, cheerleading, softball, baseball , or etc.??
A girl's softball team in Southern California or Orange County. They rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the turtles
RED, WHITE, and BLACK not orange whatever anybody says.
a softball is larger, and most of the time harder. a baseball is used in mens baseball, as to a softball is used in womens. hope i helped,