No, the term 'softball game' is not capitalized.
Before anyone really can answer this what type of tote bag like for soccer, cheerleading, softball, baseball , or etc.??
Define the word answer?
1931 when softball was created by maxwell jenkins
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the meaning of a word
I will define this word so that you will know what the word means.
It explains the meaning of something. To define: To describe or outline the functional characteristics of a word or object.
The word 'softball' is a common, compound, singular noun. The word 'game' is a common, singular noun.The term 'softball game' can be considered a noun phrase(any word or group of words based on a noun or pronoun, without a verb) or an open spaced compound noun (the noun softball and the noun game joined to form a word with a meaning of its own).
its used for the runner to step on at first so that they dont get in the first basemans way