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The object is having fun and making something inspirational out of yourself. You might not feel the strong feeling I feel when I skate, but everybody can do it. I am only nine years old and I have a dream of being a figure skater. The object is faith, confidence and lots of fun.

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Get the puck in your oppenents net the most times

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Q: What is the object of ice hockey?
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What is the object hit by the ice hockey called?


What is the object hit by players in ice hockey called?


Does ice hockey hit a ball?

No, in ice hockey the object is a flat, hard rubber disk called a puck that skims along the ice or can become airborne, depending on how it is hit.

What is the object being hit in a game of ice hockey called?

A puck.

What do you call hockey that is not played on the ice?

Hockey Just hockey Hockey on ice is called ice hockey

Is there such a sport called ice hockey?

Ice Hockey is Hockey played on ice; as compared to Field Hockey which is played on grass.

What is more popular ice hockey or tennis?

Ice hockey is more watched do I think ice hockey :)

How is ice hockey done?

in an ice hockey rink

How do you spell ice hockey in German?

ice hockey = Eishockey

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ice hockey

When was ice hockey discovered?

wnen dicover ice hockey

Does Nicaragua have an ice hockey team?

They do not have an ice hockey team.۴ۥ