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The most protective helmets in order from best to last:

1. Schutt DNA Pro +

2. Schutt Ion 4d

3. Riddell Revo Speed

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The best protection would have to be a neck guard which straps on to the sholder pads. Other than that I don't know any other ways.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

a butterfly or cowboy collar.

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Q: What is the most protective youth football helmet?
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What is the most popular youth football helmet in the Pop Warner league?


Is m11 the most protective helmet?

No it's the Reebok 11k helmet

A youth hockey player looses his helmet and the official stops play what rule governs this?

this is not necessarily a rule, it is for safety. If a player loses a helmet, it is the most important and protective piece of equipment. losing gloves or a stick is not as important, or dangerous for that matter.

Which brand of helmet is most used by youth hockey players?

Probably CCM.

What is the lightest adult football helmet available?

The Riddell Revolution for Kids. Just go to Google, type in revolution football helmets, and click on Actually it is the Youth Schutt ION 4D. Go to and click on football helmets then click on the !YOUTH! Schutt ION 4D and that can give you locations by your house where they sell it. Or you can go to Google and type in schutt ion 4d football helmets and click on football America or team express. Actually the safest helmet is the Xenith X1. . It's a young company but their technology is proven to reduce concussions more so than the Schutt and Riddell counterparts. Because it's an advanced product, it's pricey. Your kid's brain health is priceless.

What are the US most popular sports in the summer?

For Youth, I believe it may be football.

What college has the most expensive football helmet paint?

I wanna say Penn state the entire team has Ions

How do you prevent traumatic brain injuries in sports?

If you are playing football, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wear your protective gear. Same with hockey, and most other contact sports. For basketball, wear knee pads and a mouth guard. Soccer: You can invest in a concussion protector and always wear shin guards. Softball or baseball: Wear a mask or pitching helmet, and always wear a helmet when batting. I hope this helps!

What is the most expensive football helmet on the market?

i think its the Riddell Revolution IQ HITS helmet it measures the amount of "hits" you take $999

How thick is a football helmet?

A (gridiron) football helmet typically weighs between two and four kilograms (four to eight pounds) according to various gridiron helmet manufacturers.In this weight is included the face masks which are compulsory at all levels of organised gridiron football. The face mask can account for as much as half of the total mass of a gridiron football helmet, but more typically accounts for around a third of the total.On average, gridiron football helmets are the heaviest form of head protection apart from helmets for such purposes as deep-sea diving. This is because of the thick shells necessary to absorb the energy of the impact such that the headform acceleration exceeds 300g. The shell must also resist penetration of a falling 60 degree conical anvil with specific dimension.

Which protective pads are most important to use in high- impact sports like hockey?

a helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, hockey gloves, shin pads, and a gurdle

Why are there holes in the top of a football helmet?

There are two reasons for holes in a football helmet. Helmets have always had holes drilled in the crown area for ventilation. Body heat accumulates inside the helmet, especially during strenuous activity, and must be able to escape. The newer modern helmet styles have larger and better placed ventilation holes designed to keep the player from overheating. The second reason for holes in a helmet shell is for access to the air bladder fill points. Most modern football helmets incorporate air filled padding, which have one or more insertion points for a needle to add or release air to conform to the players head.