this is not necessarily a rule, it is for safety. If a player loses a helmet, it is the most important and protective piece of equipment. losing gloves or a stick is not as important, or dangerous for that matter.
The rule states: with the exception of the locker room pre/post game all players must have ALL of the proper equipment on during all parts of the game: in USA rulebook.
I have a 1999 dodge neon that looses power and can't get to cruising speed
No "drug" looses dog smell(s)/or if you call frebreeze a drug then yes. there is.
it looses flavor
If your crab looses it's shell, isolate it from the other crabs. Then, provide it with other shells and hopefully it will move in.
Yes. Yes.
no, it looses them
If a person looses love in a relationship you should tell him / her how you feel. Being honest is what you should have so others will not be hurt.
if it looses an electron