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Q: What is the main goal of an apt attack?
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Who are the main players in netball?

There are seven players on each team.They are theGoal Shooter (GS)Goal Attack (GA)Wing Attack (WA)Centre (C)Wing Defense (WD)Goal Defense (GD)Goal Keeper (GK)

What does the goal attack do in netball?

the goal attack is part of the attack and can go in the centre third, shooting third and the "D". goal attack is needed to quickly get the ball in the D, also can shoot for ball and then needed to defend the pass when the other team gets the ball

Which player is responsible for marking the Goal Attack in netball?

The goal attack is marked by the goal defence. Goal Shooter-Goal Keeper Goal Attack-Goal Defence Wing Attack-Wing Defence Centre-Centre

What is the goal of Amazon?

The goal attack is marked by the goal defence. Goal Shooter-Goal Keeper Goal Attack-Goal Defence Wing Attack-Wing Defence Centre-Centre

How many players allowed in the shooting area in netball?

The Centre is allowed everywhere but the shooting circles. This is because the centres main job is to link the defence and attack.

What positions are allowed in the shooting d in netball?

Positions Goal Keeper GK Goal Defence GD Wing Defence WD Centre C Wing Attack WA Goal Attack GA Goal Shooting GS The goal shooter and the Goal attack are the positions that can shoot

What was Japan's main goal in attacking midway?

The goal of the attack on Midway was to disable the part of the American Pacific Fleet that had not been at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked.

What are the positions of netball and what is their roll?

Goal Keeper (GK) The main task of the Goal Keeper is to defend the goal third to prevent the ball from making it to the goal circle, and to stop a goal being scored. Their opponent is the Goal Shooter.Goal Defence (GD) The main task of the Goal Defence is to defend the attacking moves of their opponent, the Goal Attack, to prevent a goal being scored. The Goal Defence also needs to have good attacking skills, which are important for getting the ball out of the defence third, and assisting the team in attack.Wing Defence (WD) The main task of the Wing Defence is to defend the attacking moves of their opponent, the Wing Attack, at the centre pass, around the goal circle and throughout the centre and goal thirds. They should be ready at all times to pick up any tips or deflections created by the circle defenders and they also need to play a supporting backup role for the attackers down court.Centre (C) The centre is the link player from the defence third to the goal third and plays an important role in both attack and defence. They are allowed to move over the whole court, except the goal circles.Wing Attack (WA) The main task of the Wing Attack is to deliver the ball to the Goal Shooter/Attack using a variety of attacking moves. They are allowed to move in the attacking goal third and the centre third, but not in the goal circle.Goal Attack (GA) The Goal Attack shares the goal shooting responsibilities with the Goal Shooter, and is allowed to move within the goal third and centre third. The Goal Attack must also work closely with the WA on the centre pass to gain possession and feed the ball to the GS. GoalShooter (GS) The main task of the Goal Shooter is to score goals. They are allowed within the goal third only and they must have good space awareness when working in confined areas with the GA. They must also be able to execute a variety of leads and movements in order to break away from the defenders.

What are the positions in netball?

Goal Attack, Goal Keep, Wing Attack, Wing Defence, Goal Shoot, Goal Defence, Centre.

How many attackers are there in netball?

Attack postions: Wing Attack Goal Attack Goal Shooter Defence Postions: Wing Defence Goal Defence Goal Keeper Other: Centre - Is attack and defence really :P

Can the wing attact goal shooter and goal attact stand together when it is there teams centre?

the wing attack and goal attack can. not the goal shooter...

What are the players jobs in netball?

Goal Shooter: Scores most of the goals. Goal Attack: Bring the ball into attacking third and score goals. Wing Attack: Bring the ball into the attacking third. Centre: Attack and defend the ball through the whole court except the goal circle. Wing Defence: Defend the Wing Attack. Goal Defence: Defend the Goal Attack. Goal Keeper: Defend the Goal Shooter.