The Centre is allowed everywhere but the shooting circles. This is because the centres main job is to link the defence and attack.
It depends if you are playing proper netball or nettaball (younger players netball). In netball it is offside.
I think you mean offside. If you do, in netball each position has an area in which they are allowed to go in which is separated but the lines on the court. However if a position goes in an area of the court where they are not allowed, then a free pass will be awarded to the other team
When they are offside they are in an area which there position is not allowed. for example GS is not allowed in the centre third. and C is not allowed in the shorting circle...
First of all, there is no such thing as a boring position in netball. All players have their boundaries which they must protect. For you though, I would say GD or GK. If you are confident at shooting GA would also suit you too. Height around the goal area is def an advantage.
There are seven positions in the game of netball. GS- Main shooter and is only allowed in one third of the court and in circle. GA- Secondary shooter but can put up as much shots as GS. Is allowed in two thirds and in circle. WA- Main feeder for shooters and is allowed in two thirds C- Defender and Attacker. Can feed to the shooters and help defense. Allowed in whole court except circles. WD- Allowed in two parts of the court. Helps defender outside of circle. GD- Marks the GA, allowed in two thirds and the circle GK- Marks the GS and is only allowed in one third and the circle.
netball space is space where no one is, If you can't get in front of your partner you go to space where no one else is.
local netball is basiclly netball played in your local area.
you cant move with the ball and you need 7 players in each tam you have to stick to the certen area that your meant to and that is all
Yes theycan stand in the box.
Glenwood netball club
It is the rectanglular shaped area close to the basket where the players line up around when shooting free throws.
A penalty pass is different from a free pass in netball because: A free pass is awarded to the opposing team because the infringement made by the other team only affected one player (stepping, replay, breaking) BUT A penalty pass is awarded to the opposing team because the infringement made by the other team affected two or more players (contact, obstruction)