leg raise is lie on the floor put hands behind your lower back raise your leg 6 inches from the groung for 5 seconds
To raise your hand in class, by bending your arm at the elbow.
When you use one hand to throw a ball in netball it is called a shoulder pass and they are usually used for longer didtance throws.
levanta la mano literally means "raise the hand," or raise your hand
Arguably, the most important function of a national party chair is to raise money. They also have a hand in finding electable candidates.
"Raise your hand""french for "raise your hand"
"Raise your hand""french for "raise your hand"
hand raise means you have it from a baby and raise it your self so you can't hand raise a old bird
It will appear that the image raises his right hand.
Levante la mano derecha. (You raise the right hand)
the function of the frontalis muscle is to raise the eyebrows.
Obviously, the reflected image seems to be raising her right hand.