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There is no official fastest softball pitch recorded. The NPF (National Pro Fastpitch league) claims that pitches of 70+ MPH are common. The fastest pitch recorded at the 1996 Olympic Games was 73.2 MPH.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Anna Lopez piched 97


It is a MYTH. Well, maybe it is real in Kilometres per hour, but The fastest ever recorded fastball is between the high seventies and low eighties in MPH. any official source will tell you so. and for those of you that compare to Baseball, the fastest pitch in baseball was 105 mph. now sorry, but if you are talking about the fastest softball pitcher, it was necessary to bring in the fastest baseball pitcher. His name is Aroldis Chapman, he pitched 105 mph and several pitches all over 102 mph there after.


because even though the answer about baseball is right, you still shouldn't depend on this because the previous answer about softball is wrong, extremely wrong.

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14y ago

they bowl at a max of around 200km per hour

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12y ago

Chap a nikiloson smand

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There are several online websites that sell training videos for softball pitchers. Youtube also offers some good softball training videos.

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Can pitchers wear sunglasses in fast pitch softball?

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What is a 65 mph softball equal to in baseball?

Softball pitchers pitch from 43 feet, while baseball pitchers pitch from 60.5 feet. Therefore, A 65 mph softball pitch is equivalent to a 91 mph baseball pitch. Each reaction time is approx .45 seconds.

What is the slowest ball thrown in Softball?

The slowest softball pitch is the change-up. It is used to trick the batter into swinging early. When pitchers have a good change up it can be used quite often with the same effect each time. Pitches can also be thrown off-speed, like an off-speed curve ball.

Is there a women's professional softball league for fast-pitch?

Yes there is a pro fast pitch league. The league is NPF, National Pro Fast pitch.

In mens softball how far is the pitchers mound to home plate?

50 feet for slow pitch softball, 46 feet for fast pitch.

How does pitching speed affect batting distance?

In 18 U Gold softball and collegiate softball, the distance from the plate to the pitching mound is 43 feet. This is because the pitchers at these levels throw much faster than the pitchers in the lower levels. In high school at 14U - 18U the pitching distance is 40 feet. Notice there is a difference between 18U and 18U Gold level.