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The slowest softball pitch is the change-up. It is used to trick the batter into swinging early. When pitchers have a good change up it can be used quite often with the same effect each time. Pitches can also be thrown off-speed, like an off-speed curve ball.

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Q: What is the slowest ball thrown in Softball?
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In softball what is a force?

A force is when there is an automatic out at the base if the ball is thrown there

What is pitching in softball?

Much like baseball pitching, softball pitching is used to throw a ball towards the batter. In baseball they throw overhand but in softball when your pitching you wind up, load, and throw underhand. There are more pitches possible in the softball pitching than baseball. All pitched possible to be thrown by a softball pitcher are screw ball, change-up, fastball, curve ball, rise ball, drop ball, and knuckle ball.

Who is the slowest pitcher?

The slowest pitch in softball is the change-up. It is used to batter swing off-balanced. Off-balanced batters tend to hit more pop-fly's than balanced batters. Pop-flys are considered the easiest out in softball.

If a softball was thrown 40feet and 8 inches how many inches was the softball thrown?

488 inches

What was the slowest pitch?

In softball it's the rise and the drop.

What is the main difference between baseball and softball?

the thing about softball is that the ball thrown by the pitcher is different than baseball in baseball they trow it normal and in softball the pitcher trows it as a circular form, and baseball is played most by man and softball women.

When thrown by the same person which can be thrown farther a baseball or a softball?

A baseball can

Difference between walk and strike on the softball game?

In softball, the batter can be walked, strikeout, or they can get a hit. Walks are caused by the batter accumulating 4 balls. A ball is a pitch thrown outside of the strike zone. A strike is a pitch thrown inside the strike zone. A batter can get a strike by either swinging and missing the ball, or they can get a strike from not swinging at a strike within the strike zone.

What does a cut off man do in softball?

When a ball is hit to the outfield, it is thrown in to a cut-off man, who is essentially there to shorten the throws. This way, the outfielder doesn't have to try to throw the ball extremely far.

What is mush ball?

a form of softball, also called "super slow pitch"

Why is the pitching different for softball than baseball?

No it is not. The only difference between softball and baseball. Is that there is a different ball for each sport.

What are the differences between softball and kickball?

In kickball, the ball is rolled down to home plate and you have to kick the ball. In softball, the ball is thrown underhand and you have to hit it with your bat. Sometimes in kickball, you can get pegged which is when they chuck the ball and you, in softball that's not allowed. Also in kickball, the ball is made of rubber, in softball its much harder and dangerous.