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I must assume you're referring to the longest field goals in football history.

The longest field goal ever in an officially sanctioned game was 69 yards, kicked by Ove Johansson of Abilene Christian University (1976).

In the NFL, the record is 63 yards, and three players have done this: Tom Dempsey (1970), Jason Elam (1998) and Sebastian Janikowski (2011).

Ola Kimrin kicked a 65 yard field goal for the Denver Broncos in a preseason game in 2002, but because it was an exhibition game the NFL does not consider it to be official.

In high school, the record is 68 yards, by Dirk Borgognone of Reno High School (1985).

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Steve O'Neal of the New York Jets launched a 98-yard punt against the Denver Broncos on 9/21/1969. The longest successful field goat attempt is 63 yards by Tom Dempsey of the New Orleans Saints and Jason Elam of the Denver Broncos.

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63 yards. Tom Dempsey did it in 1970 and Jason Elam did it in 1998.

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it was by Tyler Gagne in Canada for 104 yards through other field goal in 1967

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