the age you can kick a soccer ball thers farthest is when you are 18 years old because you are young and you kick far.
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Depends on how good the kid is. Soccer is about skill and talent...not age.
If you mean a soccer ball a size three or four.
well they used to use a "one size fits all" soccer ball but now they have different size soccer balls depending on what age group you are in. they also have been making soccer balls not out of leather but out of plastic/rubber so it doesn't hurt as much! hope this helped :)
mini's-training ball used to work on touch 2-5 sizes depends on your age what regulation ball is yours size 5 ages 12 and up
stands and walks on tiptoecan kick a ball confidentlyjumps from low stepspefals a tricycle
Ashley Young is a english soccer player that is known for his pace shot, his amazing ability to kick and shoot and set pieces. He is extremely talented for his age.
According to the FIFA Laws of the Game, all opposing players must be 10 yards away from the ball on any placed kick. The distance is often shortened for younger age groups. See your local league modifications to the Laws of the Game for a specific answer. In the case of a goal kick, they should be outside of the penalty area.
at age 15,
if you are asking about English football about 200mph judging by the injurys ive had!
mini's-training ball used to work on touch 2-5 sizes depends on your age what regulation ball is yours size 5 ages 12 and up
The size of a soccer ball is roughly 22 cm (8.65 inches) in diameter for a regulation size 5 ball. Rules state that a size 5 ball must be 68 to 70 cm in circumference. Averaging that to 69 cm and then dividing by π gives about 22 cm for a diameter.
Play soccer frequently.