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92 feet and 11 inches

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Q: What is the distance from third to first in softball?
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What is the throwing distance between third base and first base on a softball field?

84.9 FT

In softball what is the distance from third to home plate?

60 feet

What is the distance from 1st base to 3rd with 80 foot bases?

You can find the distance between first and third on any baseball or softball field by using the following formula: A squared plus B squared equals C squared. A is the distance between home and first base B is the distance between home and third base C is the distance between first base and third base. So with 70 ft. bases, it would be 99 feet.

What is the distance in fastpitch softball from home plate to first?

60 feet

IN fast pitch softball how many feet from third to first base?


The distance between home base to first base on a softball field?

60 feet

What is the distance from home plate to first base in collegiate ladies softball?

60 feet

What is softball pitching distance for Illinois high schools?

what is the Illinois high school softball pitching distance

How far does a third baseman need to throw to first in 14U softball?

That would depends on where they field the ball. Howeverthe distance from the 3rd base bag and the 1st base bag is just under 85 feet.

What is the distance between home plate and first base for 10 an under girls softball?

35 feet

What is distance from home to first in high school softball?

It is 60 feet from home to first on a softball field. It is the same distance between all the bases. The pitcher's mound is 40 to 43 feet way depending on the level of competition. The depth of the outfield varies from field to field.

What is the pitching distance in girls softball 10 yrs under in Cal Ripken league?

what is the pitching distance for ten and under softball?