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For ASA/NSA Girls

10U (10 years old and under): 35 feet

12U, 14U, 16U: 40 feet

18U, and older: 43 feet

For High School (in most states): 40 feet

For College: 43 feet

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16y ago
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14y ago

To do this you would use Pathagreon's Theory. 602 + 602 = (square root of) 7200 = ~84.85 feet. This represents that straight line between the bases. It measure from the tip of one bag to the tip of the other bag.

it's 60 feet.

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15y ago

the pitching distance varies by the age group.

for 10 and under (10U) teams or tournaments, the pitching distance is 35 feet from the apex of the plate to the pitching rubber.

for 12U - 15U the distance is 40 feet.

for older girls, the distance is in the process of changing. since the college and Olympic pitching distance is 43 feet, the high school distance is changing from 40 to 43 feet. different states are making the switch at different times. <<map of which states are changing when for high school.

for travel/tournament teams, the pitching distance is also changing. currently (march 6, 2010), 18U and 23U pitch from 43 feet, while 16U and under are still at 40. this is changing soon though, and the 16U teams will also pitch from 43 feet.

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12y ago

The distance is 50 feet.

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14y ago

60 feet

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13y ago

43 feet

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Q: What is the distance from pitching rubber to home plate in softball?
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What is the pitching distance of a pitching rubber to home plate in little league 13 and Under for Softball?

The distance from home plate to the pitcher's rubber is 46 feet.

What is full distance for softball pitching 14u?

The distance from home plate to the pitcher's rubber in Fastpitch/14U/16U/18U is 40 Feet.

What is the distance between home plate and the pitching rubber for 50 and over men's slow pitch softball?

60 feet

Where do measure from to get the correct distance from home plate to the pitcher's moind in collge softball?

From the apex of home to the front edge of the pitching rubber.

How far from the pitching rubber to 2nd base?

The distance from second base to the pitching rubber is the same as the distance from the plate to the rubber. It is 60 feet 6 inches.

How is the distance measured from home plate to the pitching mound in fastpitch softball?

infeet it is 43 feet from home to the pitching mound

How do you measure the pitching distance for 10u softball?

In 10u softball, the pitching distance is typically measured as 35 feet from the back of the pitcher's plate to the front of home plate. This distance is shorter than the standard pitching distance in older age groups to account for the players' smaller size and skill level. It is important to ensure accurate measurements are taken to maintain fairness and safety during games.

What is the distance from the pitching rubber to the home plate?

43 feet

How far is the pitching rubber to home plate in 10 youth fastpitch softball?

usually about 30 or 35 feet(:

How do you measure the pitching distance for high school softball?

The pitching distance is 40 feet from home plate to the back of the pitching rubber. For 18U Gold and collegiate softball the pitchers mound is 43 feet away. This is because pitchers throwing at these levels throw much faster than those at the lower levels, making it a lot harder for batters to identify pitches.

Is the distance in fastpitch softball measured from the pitching rubber to the front of home plate or the back of home plate?

According to the official rule book, the bases are located inside the diamond.If you were standing on the pitcher's mound, then no matter which base you look at, the measurements would be behindthe bases, because the back corners of each base is what touches the measured diamond.Home plate is measured from the point (the part that points to the catcher) to the far right corner of first base (which touches the foul line). First base to second base is measured from the foul line to the center field corner of second base, etc.

What is the distance from plate to mound for 11 year olds?

54' to front of pitching rubber.