The distance from second base to the pitching rubber is the same as the distance from the plate to the rubber. It is 60 feet 6 inches.
from the front of the pitching rubber to the back of home plate is 60'6"
60 ft
The distance from Home Plate to 2nd base is 127+ feet. This is calculated using Pythagorean Theorem (90x90=8100, x2 = 16200, sq. rt. = 127.279 feet) The distance from Home Plate to pitcher's mound is 60 feet, 6 inches, thus the distance from pitcher's mound to 2nd base is 127.3-60.5 feet or roughly 67 feet.
I believe it's the same distance as the rubber is to home plate, 60 feet, 6 inches.Ken Fougère
According to the official rule book, the bases are located inside the diamond.If you were standing on the pitcher's mound, then no matter which base you look at, the measurements would be behindthe bases, because the back corners of each base is what touches the measured diamond.Home plate is measured from the point (the part that points to the catcher) to the far right corner of first base (which touches the foul line). First base to second base is measured from the foul line to the center field corner of second base, etc.
35 feet from the the tip of home plate to the front edge of the pitching rubber.
usually about 30 or 35 feet(:
60 feet 6 inches from the tip of home plate to the pitching rubber on the mound.
every base is 90 feet away from each other
The distance is 60 feet 6 inches from the back of home plate to the front of the pitcher's rubber.
The distance is measured from the back of home plate to the back corner of 2nd base. The distance is 127 feet 3 3/8 inches.
I woulldn't go any further than 2nd base.