The umpire stands about 10 yards back from the ball on the defensive side of the line of scrimmage in order to see what happens on that side. The referee stands behind and to the side of the QB on the offensive side, and is basically the captain of the officiating team.
yes....... well sort of. its called an referee.
I think you got baseball and basketball mixed up. Only baseball has umpires. In baskeball its a referee. Why there is a referee? Basketball needs a ref because he keeps the rules and watches out for fouls made from a player or team.
There is 2 different roles. an umpire and a referee. The difference is that a referee has the final say on all technical issues and is responsible for everything.
the umpire runs across the court and looks at the players to check were the ball is and then puts it on a tally then he goes to the referee and sings cher songs
Referee, umpire, timekeeper, scorekeeper. Referee usually is the one that starts the jump ball.
Another word for a sports referee is an umpire.
You call a baseball referee an Umpire
An Umpire :)
The duties of an empire in baseball are similar to a referee in another sport. They call things out during the game such as foul ball, strike, or out.
They are the referee and the umpire. A referee (or assistant referee) decides the application of the game rules, while an umpire (or assistant umpire) rules on the play or scoring in a game, including decisions on points scored.
It depends on the sport. The only sport I can think of immediately that uses both a referee and an umpire is American football, where the referee is the highest ranking official.
The name of a baseball referee is called an Umpire.