There is 2 different roles. an umpire and a referee. The difference is that a referee has the final say on all technical issues and is responsible for everything.
Never, a player can not be called out since it is not baseball. But a player can be ejected from the game
There isn't such thing as a baseball referee! Its a umpire! Go try to find it if you want to be an umpire soooooooooooooooo bad! Look on the internet!
There are two people who assist the referee , they have flags to help, they are called the linesmen.
He was a Switz referee called Massimo Buscaa.
A football official is called a referee.
I think you got baseball and basketball mixed up. Only baseball has umpires. In baskeball its a referee. Why there is a referee? Basketball needs a ref because he keeps the rules and watches out for fouls made from a player or team.
yes....... well sort of. its called an referee.
It was a stupid blind referee from Uruguay called Jorge Larrondo , who should retire at once.
Referees must take an exam. The exams do have questions on them.
By referee helper, are you referring to the man on the sides of the field? If so, then you are talking about a linesman. [EDIT] According to the LAWS of the GAME pubished by FIFA. The "referee helper" and "linesmen" are officially named "Assistant Referees." In some matches another official, the "Fourth Official," is responseable for recording match information, maintining order of the bench area, subsitutions, and other responsabilities given to him by the referee.
face off
Depends on the contest, could be an umpire or referee