They are top of the line paintball guns.
The Dm7 is now considered outdated. The newest Dye marker is the Dm10 and the Dye NT
A paintball marker is a paintball gun. It is just called a marker instead of a gun.
type of paintball marker
The owning and operation of a paintball marker does not require any permits.
type of paintball marker
Paintball is a recreational activity that can build teamwork if you are playing with a team. The objective may vary, but it usually involves in tagging members of the opposing team with washable paint in a gelatin shell (also known as paintballs) using a paintball marker that launches them at a fairly high velocity (but not enough to cause injury).
Proto is a division of Dye, much like Chevrolet is a division of GM.
NO! only compressed air in a high end marker. otherwise you run the risk of freezing the regulator and solenoid which equals repairs. NO CO2!
This is totally an opinion question. A mechanical marker is nice because there is no need for batterys and it is truly a bit of paintball history. Electronic markers are great because they are faster, allow more modes, and are the future of paintball.