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The newest electric paintball loader from DYE

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Q: What is a dye rotor v3?
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Related questions

What paintball hopper feeds the fastest?

The dye Rotor.

Is the dye rotor compatible with the e1?

Yes. The E1 will accept all standard hoppers.

How many balls per second can the dye rotor loader feed?

About 50 at maximum settings.

I want a Dye Rotor but what hopper should l get for my DP G4?

If a rotor (and others in its class) is too expensive, you might want to look into the invert halo too.

Is this paintball setup any good Is this a good paintball setup dye throttle hpa tank Dye rotor planet Eclipse geo 2 Dye 14 with mirror lenses Invert prevail pants and jersey dye attack pack pro?

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What is ar v3?

ar v3 is a cheat device for gba aka action replay v3

How many price ceragem master v3?

ceragem V3

Is vanadium (V3) paramagnetic or diamagnetic?

Vanadium (V3) is paramagnetic.

What is the electron configuration for V3?

The electron configuration for V3 is Ar 3d2.

What is the electron configuration of V3?

The electron configuration of V3 is Ar 3d2.

Can Tamagotchi Music Star v6 and Tamagotchi v3 connect?

You Can't The Music Star Is Newer The The V3. You Can Connect V3 With V4 And V2.

Is there a get out v3?
