Kirkham Juniors Football Club!
it's all about sports and handballing and kicking and get a goal and be the world's best football champion
he is the best kids WR ever in football history. better than boldin
a good football website 4 kids is the AFL website.
Data where a certain number of things fall in a category. ex. there are 16 kids in baseball, 8 kids in football, and 12 kids in soccer
Yes, some 3rd graders play tackle football. Many younger kids also play touch and flag football.
I think that football is more popular since most kids at school play football and there are alot of kids ion the uk.
hate to say it but football
I will say the last heavyweight team that just won the 2010 Championship is the Best in the youth football. That group of kids was the Best since they started in 2004 year. Especially they had this kid (marcese gonzales) that was so talented in football that they couldn't be stopped. He had the best quarterback (M. Bobo) & lineman/linebacker (Justice 'Maceo' Morgan) Last year in 2010 Championship in Grayslake,IL the Waukegan Chiefs Heavyweights went out as Champions! These kids took 2nd place at a nationals in St. Louis, Morgan, Bobo and Gonzales were all featured on ESPN for youth week. Those kids will always be remember as a great team through the youth football years.
Cricket is the best for ๐ฎ๐ณ. Sorry football fans.