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some scales

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Q: What is the best instrument to weight of a cricket ball?
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magnify glass
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What is the best cricket ball in the wold?


What is the best sport in Sri Lanka?

I think it's CRICKET because, although Volley ball is their national sport, all sri lankans give their priority for cricket.

What is the best ball sport in the world?

Basketball, Cricket, baseball, Rugby... (You have to agree with me! )

What is the best substance to shine a cricket ball with illegally?

You would use vaseline illegally.

What is the best estimate of weight of a box holding 5 bowling ball?

4 inches

What kind of ball is used in cricket?

A white ball is used in ODIs and T20s as it can be seen better in comparison with the players clothing. A red ball is also used as it stands out against the white background of the players' clothing in Test matches. A pink ball is being discussed as the future ball as some believe it has the best characteristics prevalent for swing bowling.

Who was Jiminy Cricket's best friend?

Pinocchio is Jiminy Cricket's best friend

What is the best cricket game in the world?

Howzat is the best cricket game in the world

Why does a cricket player move his hands backward while bowling?

By doing so he increasing the time period in which the momentum of the ball is going to decrease due to this.according to Newton's second law of motion,magnitude of the force decreasesTo reduce the relative velocity between ball and hand. Particularly important since gloves are not worn, as in baseball.

Which is the best cricket game on PC?

Cricket 2010

Who is England's best cricket player?

Andrew Flintoff is the best cricket in England side.

What is the best sight for cricket games?

Stick Sport is the best site for cricket game