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Q: What is the best foot ball team out of the Seahawks and the Broncos?
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What is the ball in your foot?

ball of foot means a ball has a foot stuck. to it so there is a diffrens beetween foot ball and ball foot. foot ball is a game with a ball. but ball of foot is when the foot is stuck to the ball! get it?

What foot must be grounded until the ball is released in netball?

The foot that you land on when you catch the ball is the foot you keep on the ground until the ball is released. the best idea is to jump as you catch the ball to avoid having both feet staying still.

Can feet be used to shoot the Basketball?

No, any time the ball makes contact with a moving foot, it is considered a "kick ball" and the possession is turned over. If your foot is on the floor and stationary, it is not considered a kick ball. So, if you would like to attempt to slam the ball off of your stationary foot and into the net, best of luck to you.

What part of the foot is used for the best control of the soccer ball?

There is no singular answer to your question as ALL parts of the foot are utilizied to control the ball. It would depend on each situation during the game that would dictate which part of the foot to use.

How is a soccer ball kicked?

A soccer ball is kicked by using your foot like a golf club and swinging it.....not the best description but it helps, right?

What is the best pass to use when trying to keep the ball low?

Off the inside of your preferred foot.

Mickey Rooney movie with Buckle Down Winsockie?

"Best Foot Fowrad" with Lucille Ball

Who is the best foot ball team in the world?

Liverpool,Chelsea,Manchester united

What is the force of a foot kicking a soccer ball with the force of the soccer ball on the foot?

by applying force to the ball the ball will apply an equal and opposite force on the foot. when you kick the ball, the ball will move forward and your foot will move backward. this force is unnoticeable to the common person simply because we are not looking for it

How do you bend the ball to the right by kicking the ball with the right foot?

hit it with the outside of your foot on the left hand side of the ball

What are the names of Washington states sports?

George Washington loved outdoor sports like fishing and fox hunting. He was an avid horseback rider as well. He actually had a favorite horse named Nelson.

Who are the worlds best soccer coaches?

I think is Arsen Wenger of Arsenal foot ball club or Alex Ferguson!