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There is no singular answer to your question as ALL parts of the foot are utilizied to control the ball. It would depend on each situation during the game that would dictate which part of the foot to use.

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Q: What part of the foot is used for the best control of the soccer ball?
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Related questions

How do you control a soccer ball?

By using the inside of your foot or the outside...

Why is there a continuing need for soccer?

Because it is amazing how your foot can control the ball.

How is a soccer ball kicked?

A soccer ball is kicked by using your foot like a golf club and swinging it.....not the best description but it helps, right?

What is the force of a foot kicking a soccer ball with the force of the soccer ball on the foot?

by applying force to the ball the ball will apply an equal and opposite force on the foot. when you kick the ball, the ball will move forward and your foot will move backward. this force is unnoticeable to the common person simply because we are not looking for it

How do you kick a nonrotating soccer ball?

With your foot.

Who are the worlds best soccer coaches?

I think is Arsen Wenger of Arsenal foot ball club or Alex Ferguson!

What are teams called in European soccer?

foot ball

Where is soccer played in?

Every where soccer is the most popular sport in the world!!!!Soccer is not enjoyed by millions,its enjoyed by billions!!!Basket ball,foot ball,and base ball are only enjoyed by millions,and soccer billions!!!

How do you do the soccer move maradona?

Step on the ball with your right foot quickly then, spin and pull the ball with your left foot or viseversa.

What sports does Jake clancy play?

Hockey, Basket ball, Soccer and Foot Ball

What is trapping when you play soccer?

the ball dropping near you so that you can dribble or pass it if you want to

Most played Sport in UK?

Soccer "foot ball"