Basically a fast-break style. An example of this would be the Phoenix Suns during the 2005-2008 seasons. They averaged around 110 point per game, and usually got their shots off before 8 seconds of the shot clock has passed.
basketball obviously
no u do not need a CD to run freestyle street basketball
No, playing basketball will not make someone taller. Basketball can help you run faster and remain active.
Yes there is a lot of running in basketball (full court or half court). Either way you will be doing lots and lots of running and jumping, although the intensity is dependent on the pace of the game. You have to run much more in basketball than volleyball.
you run with the basketball and you put the basketball in the hoop and hang from the ring then le go hope that helped!
you run and burn calories
bruhn, brun, brunn, bun, bunn, byun, chun, chunn, done, donne, dun,dunn, dunne, fun, gruhn, grun, gun, gunn, hon, huhn, hun, hunn,jun, kuhne, kun, luhn, lun, lunn, mun, munn, none, nuhn, nun, nunn,pun, run, shun, son, spun, stun, sun, thrun, thun, ton, tonne, un,won, youn, yunair gun, bank run, begun, bon ton, bren gun, bull run, burp gun, c1,cross bun, dry run, earned run, end run, fowl run, gas gun,gross ton, home run, home run, hyun, john donne, lajeune,long run, long ton, m1, make fun, mcfun, mcmunn, mean sun,mock sun, net ton, outdone, outrun, pit run, poke fun, redone,rerun, set gun, short ton, ski run, spray gun, spring gun, undone,won ton, zip gunbofors gun, bombing run, chicken run, gatling gun, harpoon gun,hired gun, honey bun, hot cross bun, hotdog bun, machine gun,metric ton, midnight sun, minute gun, mother's son, naval gun,overdone, puget-1, quaker gun, sally lunn, simeone, sticky bun,Tommy gun, unearned run, water gun, whaling guncaramel bun, cinnamon bun, electron gun, favorite son,frankfurter bun, hamburger bun, in the long run, submachine gun,terrebonneantiaircraft gun, north Korean won, south Korean wonThompson submachine gun
it usually just means he wants to help you shoot a basketball, or shoot a gun. Hopefully its the basketball.
A pick is a basketball screen. You run up to the guy and make your arms in a V formation.
Both sports run
a layup.
His basketball Coach inspired him to run across Canada