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No, playing Basketball will not make someone taller. Basketball can help you run faster and remain active.

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Q: Do basketball players get taller when they play basketball?
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Related questions

Are most basketball players short?

no most basketball players in the pros are 6ft and taller 82% are 6ft and taller the other half are 5"4 and taller

How many players in basketball play the game?

If someone is in basketball, they play the game.

Who are 5 famous basketball players and what teams did they play for?

list 5 famous basketball players and state which team they play for

Who plays basketball?

Everyone can play basketball if you have the dedication. Professional women players play in the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) while professional men players play in the National Basketball Association.

Do shorter basketball players have an advantage over taller players?

It is much easier to be good if you are taller. If two players have the exact same skill set, but one is taller than the other, the taller one would usually dominate. However, shorter players are known for their ability to penetrate defenses, and can be quicker at stealing despite their shorter reach.

What is the average height of a 12-year-old basketball player?

Basketball players should be taller, so I would say about 63 inches.

Why are basketball players taller than the baseball players?

well, in basketball the taller you are the better because you can jump high and block the ball from getting into the basket and letting your opponent score. in baseball u just need to be fast and catch the ball and have good trowing distance.

Does basketball players play for countries or play for their own club?

In the nba they play for their countries. For ABA basketball they play for their clubs

Where do basketball players play?

Wherever there is a hoop

What does NBA players do?

play basketball as there jobs.

Does your height afeect how well you can shoot a basketball?

being taller makes it easier to shoot over players

How many players play basketball at time on playground?

5 to 8 players play at a time