The pin is the very center of the ringed scoring area, the "house." There is usually a hold drilled in the ice at the pin, for the distance measuring tool to be inserted into.
Pin them up in the spiral
"Shot rock" is the term for the rock that is currently the closest to the center (the "pin") of the scoring area (the "house").
Normal rollers, velcro rollers, curling tongs, use product and twist a curl in your hair and keep it in place with a pin.
Le curling (masculine noun): J'aime le curling (I like curling) Du curling: j'ai fait du curling (I played curling)
No. A curling iron does NOT have silver in it!!.. There are silver curling irons but there are no curling irons with silver in them!
Curling...Oh, how I hate Curling. :P
If you mean 'curling (your hair)': Are you curling tonight = Ensortijas anoche? If you mean the game of curling (on ice), there is no Spanish equivalent, so you'd have to say: Juegas a 'curling' anoche = Are you playing at 'curling' tonight?
the main pieces you need for curling are a good pair of curling shoes, curling gloves, a slider for your shoe, and a broom, the rocks are provided by the curling arena.
In a curling rink
in woman's curling it was Canada and in men's curling it was Norway
curling is dangerous because the rock can slide o you foot and you can trip on the rock as your curling
Yes. The National Curling Association of Serbia is a member of the World Curling Federation.