you can say: running around the bases as fast as a cheetah.throw the ball to first base as hard as a ....
Well, apples=D
60 feet
Yes, You can steal three bases in fast pitch softball. You can not steal first.
It matters how fast you can go for instance if a fat guy is going as fast as he can and your jogging your not running but he is , so i would say how ever fast you can go. on the treadmill in the gym its 4.0mh
12 inch.
Yes there many cties that have teams and leauges that have fast -ball in softball, for men
The first softball game was played on Thanksgiving Day in 1887. They players played inside of a gym at Farragut Boat club, located in Chicago, IL. The believed inventor of softball is George Hancock.
10 teams are in fast pitch softball.
You don't. Let the shoulder heal first.