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Exactly how hockey is played depends on the etams, the level of competition, and most importantly the type of hockey involved. The two major variations are Field Hockey and Ice Hockey, and apart from the fact they involve a stick to move an object, are pretty much completely different.

More information can be found by asking about the specific type you refer to; answering for both in the same question would just take far too long to be any use.

Hockey is a game played with skates. It is known to be played on ice but you can also play roller hockey. The equipment for hockey is; skates,stick,shin guards,helmet, elbow pads, gloves,hockey pants, and if you play ice hockey, you'll need a few extra things. In hockey there is a puck and players try to get the puck into the opponent's net. There are usually about five players on the rink for each team not including the goalies. Some divisions are played with four players for each team, in that case there'd be no offsides and no icing. There are three 15-20 minute periods, again it depends on the division. After the third period, who ever has the most goals, wins. Hockey is really a team sport and you have to be a good team player. There are 3 forwards and two defense. Or if it's four on four then you could play as two and two or 3 and 1. Those are just the basic rules of hockey. It'd take a lot of time to explain all the rules. Like offsides, icing, penalties.....

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

well. first off, you have positions. 1. right and left wing 2. center 3. defensemen 4. goalie but my main advice is to check out some books at your local library. it is to much to say and would take me to long to type it.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Lots of people play ice Hockey, and lots of people want to. The way you play Hockey is you have Fowards, Left wings, Right Wings, Defence, and goalie. the Fowards try to shoot the goals, the left wing and right wing also do that but they stay on the side. The defence stays on there side of the ice and if the puck comes on there side they hit it to there team mates on the other side so that they can score a goal. Last is the Goalie, the goalie is one of the most important people on the team, they block the goal so that the other team does not score. the team takes turns playing on the ice. Some stay in the box while the others play, and after a while they switch. This game is very hard to play. Lots of people get injured by diving for the puck others for banging into people and alot more. Me and my brother accually play this sport, My brother is a goalie and I am a Left wing.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Field Hockey is played with wooden sticks and a hard ball. The sticks are used to dribble, pass or shoot the ball down the field to the opposing teams goal line. Goal is worth one point and the team who scores the most goals in the allotted time wins the game. Regulation hockey sticks can be used but it's more fun and a tad safer with good old sticks.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

There are many rules, systems, and facets involved in the game of hockey. Here are some of the basics regarding how hockey is played. The two teams are allowed to have six players on the ice, including the goaltender, three forwards (forecheckers), and two defensemen. There are three periods of twenty minutes in which time the players attempt to get the puck past the opponent's goaltender and into the net. Should a player commit an infraction, he is assessed a penalty for a period of either two minutes (minor penalty), four minutes (double minor), or five minutes (major). During that time, the offending team is forced to play for the duration of the penalty a man down. Whoever has more goals at the end of the game wins. I encourage you to look further into the rules and nature of the game, seeing as it is a wonderful sport.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Ice hockey is played on a large sheet of ice. Usually about 200 feet long and 75-100 feet wide.

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Field Hockey is played in 2 halves consisting of 35mins each.

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What form of hockey is played in the Special Olympics?

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Hockey was historically not played on ice until around the invention of modern ice hockey. This was well after the creation of modern field hockey, which itself derived from earlier variations. In short: field hockey was first.

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Hockey was first played at the 1998 Commonwealth Games.

Was ice hockey the first type of hockey played?

I believe the first kind of hockey was played on feet, not skates, it was called shinny. They played with some type of wooden block (similar to a puck), or some type of ball. An unlimited amount of people played. The oldest type of hockey is field hockey. There is an ancient Greek frieze depicting two field hockey players at Olympia, Greece.