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he never played hockey.

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Q: When did Douglas French play hockey?
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In french how do you say i like to play field hockey?

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When was Jack Douglas - ice hockey - born?

Jack Douglas - ice hockey - was born in 1930.

When did Jack Douglas - ice hockey - die?

Jack Douglas - ice hockey - died in 2003.

Do French people play hockey?

Yes, but without any success.

What does Oui Mais je prefere jouer au hockey mean in french?

It means "Yes, but I prefer to play hockey"

How do you say do you play hockey in French?

Either "Jouez-vous au hockey?" (pronounced almost like jew-A-voo O hockey) or "Faites-vous du hockey?" (fett-voo dew hockey?).

How do you say ice-hockey in French?

Ice hockey is "le hockey sur glace" in French.

When was Douglas French born?

Douglas French was born in 1944.

How do you play non-ice hockey?

you can play floor hockey, roller hockey, or field hockey

How do you spell hockey in french?

le hockey

If you play AAA hockey do you play hockey in college?
