Put your hands a little higher on your bat but don't put them where you could hurt your hands.
I have acid reflux and yes it does cause some choking...if food comes up and you swallow, you may end up choking on this partially digested food. Also, i sometimes wake up just choking on hot air.
The person who came up with softball was the person who mad the game softball and they thought it was soft because it is softer than a baseball
peps who play
Getting pinned in softball means to get pinned up in the fence by the other team.
Its part of the accepted sign that you are choking. Actually, you want to make a chopping motion towards your neck.
axe somebody
Im not sure what you mean by softball drills for warm-up. Just make sure to be warmed up before doing the softball drills. It's advisable now to use dynamic exercises to warm yourself up. If you want to use softball drills as warm-up make sure to use drills that are not strenuous that may cause strain. Make sure you modify the drills by lowering the intensity of the softball drills.
Choking affects the lungs by choking
you stand in a circle
By choking up not knowing what to say.
If a child is choking you must not panic and you must give the child any liquids to make the stuff that's making your child choking. Make sure nothing is in his or her mouth and then call a near grown up to take over,If you happen to be the grown up and don't know what to do call 911.