The person who came up with softball was the person who mad the game softball and they thought it was soft because it is softer than a baseball
The game of softball was invented in Chicago in 1887 by George Hancock. The idea for the ball came from an old boxing glove.
Alondra amezquita came up with all the names of the colors
the native Americans
Softball is awsome it is great!
The name Ceylon is of a western origin (dating back to the Greeks). The Ceylonese wished to change their name to a more Eastern-esque name, so they came up with Sri Lanka.
no, softball came first
1887 is the year softball came to america
Visit this site for the history of softball:
Aside from the basic "softball is for girls," not really. This is mainly due to the fact that baseball overshadows softball since it came before softball.
a simple other name for a softball diamond is a feild
Harry came up with the name :)
who first came up with the name email?
Michael Clifford came up with the name. :)
They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from Baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.
There are a number of associations in softball but I will presume you are asking about ASA (amateur softball association).
The lead singer for Avenged Sevenfold (M. Shadows) came up with the name.
That is just a name they came up with for Harry Potter.