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It is tossed high so the server can get a good start on the serve. If the ball is tossed too low, the server can't adjust as well and won't serve as well. Also, the dominant hand is used to get more power and accuracy.

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Q: Why is the ball in volleyball tossed high before it is hit by the dominant hand in the overhand serve?
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What is the REAL serves in volleyball?

There are a few types of serves in volleyball and depending on your age, strength and talent, you may use all of them. The most basic serve is an underhand serve, the next step up from that is a overhand serve, than there is a jump serve, which you do your approach and jump and serve tha ball over the net, another serve is a floater serve and this can be served from the ground or as a jump serve and a floaters serves makes the ball float over the net. Another serve is banna split, which the ball is tossed spining to the side and when you serve it, the palm of your hand slices the ball and it will turn clockwise and go straight down on the other side of the net. These are the most common serves, but there are differents ways to do these types of serves.

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What is the adjective form of tosses?

The adjective forms for the verb to 'toss' are the present participle, tossing (The tossing sessions have strengthened my wrist.), and the past participle, tossed(The tossed confetti and streamers were cleaned up by maintenance before dawn.).