in 7 innings of work ill say 78 strikes and 18 balls ...
Each time the batter hits the ball, either into fair or foul ground, no matter how much out of the strike zone the pitch may have been, the pitcher is "credited" with having thrown a strike in the "strike-ball" ratio. Since the latter has no effect on the score of the game or in any official statistics, this is not a problem.
A ball in base ball is a ball outside of the strike zone. The strike zone is from mid-chest to knees and over home plate. Any ball inside the strike zone is a strike.
For the pitcher's ball/strike pitch numbers, it is counted as a strike.
If the pitch is in the strike zone, and the batter does not swing, it is a "strike." If the pitch is not in the strike zone, and the batter does not swing, it is a "ball."
According to the rule book, the umpire will declare the pitch a strike if the ball touches the batter as the batter strikes at the ball, or if the ball touches the batter while the ball is in the strike zone.
MLB Rule 6.08(b) states that a batter is awarded first base when: "He is touched by a pitched ball which he is not attempting to hit unless (1) The ball is in the strike zone when it touches the batter, or (2) The batter makes no attempt to avoid being touched by the ball; If the ball is in the strike zone when it touches the batter, it shall be called a strike, whether or not the batter tries to avoid the ball. If the ball is outside the strike zone when it touches the batter, it shall be called a ball if he makes no attempt to avoid being touched." So, if the ball was in the strike zone when it touched the batter, it would be called a strike. If the ball was outside the strike zone when it touched the batter, it would be called a ball.
If the batter attempts to hit the ball and misses, it is a strike. If the batter does not attempt to hit the ball and the ball enters the strike zone, it is a strike. If the batter does not attempt to hit the ball and the ball does not enter the strike zone, it is a ball (unless it hits the batter, then the batter is awarded 1st base).
A called strike cannot hit the ground and then go thru the strike zone. Baseball rule section 2.00 Definitions of Terms: A ball is a pitch which does not enter the strike zone in flight and is not struck at by the batter. If the pitch touches the ground and bounces through the strike zone it is a "ball". If such a pitch touches the batter, he shall be awarded first base. If the batter swings at such a pitch after two strikes, the ball cannot be caught, for the purposes of rule 6.05 (c) and 6.09 (b). If the batter hits such a pitch, the ensuing action shall be the same as if he hit the ball in flight.
A turkey is 3 strikes in a row. You can only get a strike on the first ball of the frame. If you knock down all the pins on the 2nd ball of a frame it is a spare not a strike.
A foul ball in a two strike count is nothing it count as a strike for the pitcher count but the count will stay the same and no out. In the case of a one strike count or a zero strike count, the fould ball is counted as a strike and the count will be a 1 strike difference. EX: 0 strikes turn into 1 strike 1 strike turn into 2 strikes 2 strikes stay at 2 strikes